POET’S CORNER: "2012"; "Rhymes Rhyme"


The cork blew

The steam flew

Lava and rock

Couldn’t be stopped

The molten flood

Mother Earth’s blood

Moral wounds from the hand of man.

Pollution/reckless waste

The failed human race.

Rebellion is at hand

With all Mother Earth could stand

Oceans cover ancient lands

The rest gone ablaze

At the end of days.

— John “JD” Dunfee, Morgantown

Rhymes Rhyme

Bugs bug, flies fly

Bores bore, dyes dye

Curves curve, crows crow

Angles angle, snow snows

Hammers hammer, rains rain

Howles howl, rakes rake

Itches itch, creeps creep

Circles circle, fleas flee

Brushes brush, seeds seed

Bubbles bubble, slaves slave

Troubles trouble, plagues plague.

— John “JD” Dunfee, Morgantown