Halloween writing contest back for second year

Halloween is shaping up to be particularly boo-tiful at the Brown County Democrat!

First, we are bringing back our fun Halloween writing contest – an opportunity for anyone to enter their own prose and perhaps get published. In addition to that, staff reporter Dakota Bruton is hard at work in the Nashville and Brown County history books. She is compiling some of the creepy and macabre stories from the rich history of the area – and will detail some of the best ones in the Democrat’s first-ever Brown County Haunted History Tour!

Basically, Dakota will lead a walk through downtown Nashville on Friday, Oct. 25 at 7 p.m. During the walk, which will last about an hour, Dakota, an accomplished actress, will be in character and sharing the fun and spooky historical tales in a style that only Dakota can!

The Democrat is selling tickets for this event at $13 each or two for $20. Space is limited and tickets can be purchased at the Democrat’s office, 147 E. Main.

As for the writing contest, this is the second year the Democrat has done one. Participants are asked to write a Halloween-themed story and send it to us. The rules are pretty simple. Keep it to 750 words or less and make sure it has a Brown County connection. The work must be your own (no copycats please) and when you are recognized as one of the winning entries, you’ll need to give us a photo and short bio for publication, as well as permission to publish the story.

We’d suggest dusting off the cobwebs – unless cobwebs, creaking stairs and paintings with moving eyeballs are appropriate to your story – and getting busy. You already know the first rule of writing, right? Butt in chair! So get yourself situated in front of a keyboard and let those fingers fly!

Tell us a ghost story or a spooky tale, perhaps a piece of fiction about the ghost of T.C. Steele or Kin Hubbard? Perhaps you’ll come up with a tale spun from the hills and hollers. That’s the great thing about a fiction writing contest – it’s entirely up to you!

How do you enter? Just email your story to [email protected]. Deadline is Friday, Oct. 18. Be sure to copy and paste the story in the body of the email. We do not accept attachments (they can have gremlins inside them, don’t you know!). Entries will be judged by award-winning newspaper journalists and a published author.