Letter: Candidate Clark responds to BCRSD board member on E. coli

To the editor:

In response to Brown County Regional Sewer District board member Matt Hanlon’s letter in the Democrat, (“BCRSD board member corrects candidate Clark on E. coli,” Oct. 16), regarding statements I provided at the commissioner candidate forum on Sept. 21, 2024:

What needs correcting? In my comments on E. coli and pastureland, I referenced the information provided in the BCRSD’s “published” watershed study. To quote: “Figure 33 details that pastureland loads more E. coli to Brown County Streams than other sources under all modified septic failure modeling scenarios. Only if 100% of documented septic systems are failing do they contribute a significant volume of E. coli to the entirety of Brown County. When individual sample site drainage is reviewed, the Lake Monroe Watershed loads more E. coli to Brown County Streams than Beanblossom Creek Watershed Streams.” (Reference: Appendix B, 2021 Watershed Study, pg. 70).

This reference was shared with Hanlon in our communications. If the study’s assessment is wrong and no longer accurate as written, then the change to the study needs to be documented and made available to the public. The expectation would be that the author of the study or another credible and objective expert (not a BCRSD Board member) would concur with the correction and provide an updated assessment.

Regarding the samples and lab results that indicate failing or inadequate septic systems (human-caused), what analysis, if any, has been done to determine the number of systems that may be contributing to the problem? Could 80 percent of the problem be due to 20% of the systems? If so, what are the cost-effective options for addressing the 20 percent? Sewer service to these areas may be a few years away.

The BCRSD’s refusal to present the wastewater (WW) strategic plan and watershed study (WSS) at a public meeting was communicated at the BCRSD Meeting on March 28, 2023. The president of the board of commissioners and the president of the county council were present. Questions may be allowed at these meetings, which can upset one or more BCRSD board members who have refused to provide answers. (Reference BCRSD Meeting, Feb 14, 2023.) Regarding my questions on the WW strategic plan and WSS, these were submitted in response to the public hearing on July 8, 2023, regarding the application for funding. This application was supported by the preliminary engineering report (PER). A response to the questions asked by me and Lynda Sandow, Ph.D., was not provided under the pretext that they were “not related to the PER.” This is a bureaucratic sleight of hand. They did relate to the “justification of need” that supported the PER. These were the types of questions that could and should be addressed at public meetings. (Reference: BCRSD website, PER, Responses to Questions and Comments Submitted to Funding Agencies (SRF), pg.30.)

I did not identify a “goal” regarding forced or optional sewer hook-ups. Hanlon confirmed that the BCRSD offers a temporary waiver. The Helmsburg and Gnaw Bone RSDs have not forced residents to receive service.

On the topic of transparency, what is the status and timeline for the current projects? Should this be available on the BCRSD website? The last meeting minutes available are from June 13, 2024. Why did it take months for the BCRSD to respond to my request for a public document that should have taken less than 15 minutes to produce?

The county WW strategic plan needs to be incorporated into the development of a new county comprehensive plan. This plan supports zoning and development strategies. The scope and extent of the challenges regarding water quality and wastewater management must be clearly communicated to the extent that there is community awareness and support for projects.

Tim Clark

Republican candidate for Brown County Commissioner, District 3