COVID surge pushes much of Idaho toward medical rationing

BOISE, Idaho — Idaho's public health officials say crisis standards of care are imminent for the state's most populated region as hospitals continue to...

Facebook: Gov’s page was not taken down because of content

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Facebook briefly took down Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey's campaign page Tuesday morning, indicating it had been mistakenly flagged as an imposter...

NBA goes ahead with plan to test unvaccinated players often

For NBA players, the scenario this season is simple: Get vaccinated or get tested, and often. ...

12 more named to Governor’s Public Health Commission

INDIANAPOLIS — Top health officials in Indianapolis and Fort Wayne were named Tuesday to a new panel tasked with studying Indiana’s public health system...

NYC’s Eric Adams runs for mayor as the outsider’s insider

NEW YORK — He's a veteran Democratic office holder who registered as a Republican in the late 1990s. He's a junk food lover who...

Indiana Supreme Court establishes Eviction Task Force

INDIANAPOLIS — A nine-member task force created by the Indiana Supreme Court will help landlords and tenants resolve their disputes and access federal rental...

On final day, Californians cast votes to keep, oust governor

California voters headed to the polls Tuesday to cast final ballots in an election focused on whether Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom should keep his...

COVID-19 cases climbing, wiping out months of progress

COVID-19 deaths and cases in the U.S. have climbed back to where they were over the winter, wiping out months of progress and potentially...

Rio favela kids get free movie after pandemic hardships

RIO DE JANEIRO — As the sun went down on the Vila Cruzeiro favela on Monday, bathing this working class neighborhood in Rio de...

WHO, partners aim to get Africa 30% of needed doses by Feb

GENEVA — The World Health Organization and its partners said they hope to provide Africa with about 30% of the COVID-19 vaccines the continent...