Will My Wife Get a Spousal Benefit from Me?


Will My Wife Get a Spousal Benefit from Me?

Biden administration focused on ‘Marxist ideals … it tears apart families’


WASHINGTON DC — Kimberly Hermann is known as “Mama Bear, wife, Conservative lawyer and commentator” on the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, what is now simply known as X. In a post some time ago she declared that “schools are turning our kids into soldiers for the progressive army.” In a new interview with Rebecca Weber, CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens and host of AMAC’s Better For America podcast, Kimberly took aim at the “concept of gender ideology.”

I was Self-Employed and Don’t Have Enough Credits for Social Security


Dear Rusty: For a 30-year period, I was making a living as an independent contractor and freelancer. I was working on behalf of myself. Thus, I was only paying state and federal taxes when applied. Due to changes in the employment landscape, I wish to apply for benefits at age 64, as receiving said SS benefits would serve as supplemental income to what I would be receiving from outside sources.

Trump, elections and votes


CINCINNATI — On the face of it, Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump continues to say bizarre things at his rallies, but his intent is right there for all to see.

Keep Your Eyes on Founding Principles


If only George Washington could see us now … what would he say?

Should I Retire at 65 or 67? And What About Earnings & Taxes?


Dear Rusty: I’m just trying to figure out how to determine whether to retire at 65 or 67 and, if I retire, approximately how much could I make outside of my Social Security without being overly taxed. Signed: Thinking About Retiring

The Real Threat to Democracy


“In a democratic republic, the organs of state are separate and may even at times work at cross-purposes, with one acting as a balance for the other. In an autocracy, these organs must be deprived of their autonomy …”

GOP’s convention unity may be contrasting with a mirage


INDIANAPOLIS — It’s been nine years since Donald Trump arrived on the American presidential scene, prompting me to finish a number of columns by simply saying, “Anything can happen.”

If complaining doesn’t help, why do we do it?


Is complaining an effective strategy for solving problems? Will complaining improve your situation? Do others enjoy listening to you complain? The answer to all three questions is no. Then why do people complain? There are a number of reasons. He or she may be looking for sympathy, assistance, support, or just letting off steam. There are also people who are habitual whiners who are never satisfied or content.

J.D. Vance, Mitch and me


WEST LAFAYETTE — It was a wintry night in January 2017, just two weeks into the Donald Trump presidency, and the conversation centered on the populist uprising unfolding before our eyes.