Already Collecting Social Security? How Does that Impact WEP Reduction?


Dear Rusty: I don’t understand exactly how the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) works for my situation. I turned 62 in 2017 and am currently still working in a “non-covered” job, not paying into Social Security, but from which I will get a government pension when I retire. I began collecting Social Security at my full retirement age in 2021 and am now collecting $1507 per month thanks to the cost of living adjustments since I started. Will my Social Security benefit be reduced by $587 if I retire this year? Signed: Confused by WEP

Social Security’s “guaranteed” annual cost-of-living adjustment (COLA)


Dear Rusty: I’ve been reading a lot lately about speculation on what next year’s benefit increase will be, and it seems like most of the experts are suggesting a range of 2.5% to 3%. My neighbor says don’t worry about it, because there will always be some level of increase come January. It’s guaranteed, right? Signed: Retired But Questioning

ChatGPT’s Advice on Careers


Certain high schoolers have definite professional goals and informed parents. Others are inclined towards careers about which they and their parents are clueless. How can students and their parents get a handle on what is required for entry into certain occupations? A quick start is to prompt artificial intelligence (AI) to list requirements. In a matter of seconds, ChatGPT, one of many Artificial Intelligence (AI) programs, provided the following information for a career in nursing (accessed June 4, 2024):

  • First, a student, thinking about a career in nursing, must decide between an associate degree to become a licensed practical nurse (typically taking two or three years) or a bachelor of science to become a registered nurse (taking four years). Both programs require college-level courses in anatomy, physiology, biology, and psychology. The bachelors option requires additional liberal arts and mathematics classes.
  • After checking out colleges offering an accredited nursing degree and becoming enrolled, a student usually needs to gain acceptance into the program. Most nursing programs require a minimum grade point average (GPA) in overall coursework and specific science courses. Some even require a standardized entrance exam to assess readiness for nursing coursework.
  • Once accepted into a nursing program, a student must complete a set number of clinical hours in various healthcare settings. At the same time, they must maintain good grades in both theoretical and practical classes. Nursing students might also be expected to pass background checks, be screened for drugs and provide proof of immunizations.
  • Upon graduating, nurses in the U.S. must become licensed. Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) need to have passed the NCLEX-PN exam and Registered Nurses (RNs), the NCLEX-RN exam.
  • Once licensed, graduates can be employment as nurses. If they choose to specialize, additional certifications may be needed.

McCormick makes Amanda the new face on abortion


INDIANAPOLIS — On dozens of billboards across Indiana, Right to Life urges folks to “love them both” when it comes to a mother and a fetus. During his recent Republican gubernatorial campaign, former attorney general Curtis Hill frequently recounted how he brought more than 2,000 aborted fetuses discovered in Illinois home for a proper burial.

Reader ‘baffled’ because Medicare increase results in loss of benefits


Dear Rusty: My wife and I have taken a Social Security “Cut” — no 3.2% raise for us, due to something called “IRMAA,” based on our income. We actually took, together, a $400 a month cut. As far as I can tell from what they told me, we are means tested and were too successful, so our Medicare premiums were much higher, which resulted in our reduced Social Security for 2024. Have you sorted this out? And, if so, can I appeal this disgusting situation?

Braun continues a DC to Indy trend


JASPER, Ind. - There have been varied breeding grounds for future Indiana governors.

Empowering Older Adults in the Fight Against Elder Abuse


World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, observed on June 15, signifies our collective struggle against the mistreatment of older adults. Elder abuse is a community and societal issue that reminds us to promote respect and dignity for older adults.

Social Security’s Earnings Test and Cost of Living Adjustments


Dear Rusty: Is there a limit on earnings when you’re fully retired? Also, should all retirees receive COLA or is there an exception? Signed: Retired But Wondering

The Draw of Small Towns


“Counterurbanization,” a term new to me, is the phenomenon that Americans increasingly are moving from large cities to rural areas. This reverses a trend in the other direction, one that began with the Industrial Revolution and continued until just recently.

Who’s The Cool Kid Club Now? We Are!


Just looking around at politics, trials, taxes, elections and such and … heck, we need a break. How about a little walk down memory lane?