NHTSA opens new investigation into Takata airbags

SILVER SPRING, Md. — The U.S. government’s highway safety regulator has opened an investigation into a potential problem that surfaced last year with 56...

Emmy ratings up to 7.4 million viewers this year

NEW YORK — The Emmys accomplished what is becoming a rarity for awards shows these days, by actually increasing its viewership over the previous...

Inflation forces homebuilders to take it slow, raise prices

LOS ANGELES — Even in the hottest U.S. housing market in more than a decade, new home construction has turned into a frustratingly uncertain...

EU court fines Poland 500,000 euros daily until mine closes

WARSAW, Poland — The European Union’s top court on Monday ordered Poland to pay a daily fine of 500,000 euros ($586,000) until it complies...

Fed likely to signal a coming pullback in economic support

WASHINGTON — The Federal Reserve is expected this week to send its clearest signal yet that it will start reining in its ultra-low-interest rate...

Trump CFO’s lawyer says he suspects more indictments on way

NEW YORK — A lawyer for Donald Trump’s indicted corporate finance chief told a judge Monday he has “strong reason to believe” more indictments...

France seeks European support after submarine deal surprise

PARIS — France canceled meetings with British and Australian officials and is trying to rally EU allies behind its push for more European sovereignty...

Union members vote to accept new Mondelez contract

HENRICO, Va. — Striking union members voted to accept a new four-year collective bargaining agreement with snack company Mondelez International, ending a walkout that...

London subway in first major expansion since the ’90s

LONDON — London’s subway opened two new stations Monday in the network’s first expansion since the 1990s, an expansion that Mayor Sadiq Khan said...

Insider Q&A: Serving the neglected for profit, not just good

NEW YORK — Making money by helping underserved communities? It took Bobby Turner years to convince big investment funds such a thing was possible....