GUEST OPINION: Waging war between good and evil … and getting to sleep in


Like a lot of you, I’m at the age where sleeping through the night is an elusive commodity. It’s not that I have trouble falling asleep. I’m usually lucky that way. It’s just I don’t stay asleep.

GUEST OPINION: When it comes to the sexes, follow the science


“It is illegal to tattoo anyone under the age of 18 unless they are accompanied by, or have written consent from, a minor’s parent or legal guardian. This written permission from a minor’s parent legal guardian must be obtained on-site before any body piercings or tattooing is completed.” — Indiana Tattoo License Regulations

GUEST OPINION: That reminds me…


May is a month that rates high in our remembrances of times past. Mother’s Day family gatherings, school proms, graduations are always among them of course. And if you grew up in Indianapolis, as many Brown Countians did, there probably would be some reminiscences of the Indianapolis 500.

Letters to the editor: Week of May 24


Thanks to Hammond family for sharing photograph

GUEST OPINION: What’s new for home-based food vendors?


The passage of the HEA 1149 Bill last year made some changes to the Home Based Vendor rules and these are now in effect. Here is a short explanation of main changes.

Final prep sports moments create memories


One doesn’t need to look at a calendar to know spring is well under way. That means not too long from now, caps and gowns will be the order of the day … and boys and girls who are on the cusp of becoming young men and women will don the uniform bearing an Eagle and BCHS one final time. For some, daresay most, it marks the end of athletic careers that might’ve begun years ago. A few others might continue on the athletic path, either in college or some other avenue.

GUEST OPINION: ‘Politics: History shows slow and steady does it’


Today, let’ s pay tribute to one of history’s little known but highly influential figures: Quintus Fabius Maximus Verrucosus, a Roman statesman and military commander of the third century BC.

GUEST OPINION: ‘Dominant Indiana Republicans take aim at big cities’


INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana Democrats will be facing an existential election this November. Already purged from rural areas and many small to medium-sized cities, holding no Statehouse constitutional offices, only two of 11 federal offices, and with superminority status in the General Assembly, the party has been relegated to the state’s big cities and college towns.

Brian Howey: Colts’ Luck chose family first


It’s been a little more than three years since Andrew Luck shocked the sports world when he retired as a 29-year-old star seemingly at the top of his game two weeks before the season was to begin.