R&B superstar R. Kelly convicted in sex trafficking trial

NEW YORK — R. Kelly, the R&B superstar known for his anthem “I Believe I Can Fly,” was convicted Monday in a sex trafficking...

Republicans nix changes to their Indiana congressional map

INDIANAPOLIS — Republicans voted down a Democratic overhaul of Indiana’s congressional redistricting before moving ahead with their speedy approval of new election district maps...

Historical marker dedicated to Indiana lynching victim

TERRE HAUTE, Ind. — A historical marker has been dedicated in southwestern Indiana in remembrance of a Black man lynched about 120 years ago...

Video shows Missouri officers let police dog bite Black man

The St. Louis County prosecutor’s office is investigating an incident caught on cellphone video in which white officers allowed a police dog to repeatedly...

COVID-19 creates dire US shortage of teachers, school staff

SAN FRANCISCO — One desperate California school district is sending flyers home in students' lunchboxes, telling parents it's “now hiring." Elsewhere, principals are filling...

California man charged with perjury in Hollywood execs suit

NEW YORK — A Los Angeles man has been charged by New York federal prosecutors with perjury for allegedly falsifying emails to support his...

Met season to open with first-ever opera by Black composer

NEW YORK — Charles Blow recalls being in the audience at the premiere of the opera based on his memoir, “Fire Shut Up in...

COVID case delays contentious redistricting in Oregon

A broken power-sharing deal, the lingering possibility of a Republican walkout and a COVID-19 case are adding greater uncertainty to whether Oregon legislators will...

High school goes remote again, blames student misbehavior

A Connecticut high school that recently resumed full in-person learning for the first time since the onset of the pandemic sent students home temporarily...

Jackson released from Chicago facility after COVID recovery

CHICAGO — The Rev. Jesse Jackson was released Wednesday from a Chicago facility a month after he was hospitalized for a breakthrough COVID-19 infection...