Idaho shooting: Very few school incidents committed by girls

<p>BOISE, Idaho &mdash; Authorities say they are trying to determine what prompted a young girl to open fire at a rural Idaho middle school,...

Bill to kill up to 90% of Idaho wolves signed by governor

BOISE, Idaho — Idaho Gov. Brad Little has signed into law a measure that could lead to killing 90% of the state’s 1,500 wolves...

Bill to kill up to 90% of Idaho wolves signed by governor

<p>BOISE, Idaho &mdash; Idaho Gov. Brad Little has signed into law a measure that could lead to killing 90% of the state’s 1,500 wolves...

Study: Residents left big metros during pandemic for family

Cece Linder was living in a 770-square-foot apartment outside Washington, D.C., last spring when the area went into lockdown because of the coronavirus pandemic....

Study: Residents left big metros during pandemic for family

<p>Cece Linder was living in a 770-square-foot apartment outside Washington, D.C., last spring when the area went into lockdown because of the coronavirus pandemic....

Feud breaks out among GOP lawmakers over Snake River dams

SPOKANE, Wash. — Some Republican members of Congress from the Northwest are accusing a GOP Idaho lawmaker of conducting secret negotiations with the Democratic...

Feud breaks out among GOP lawmakers over Snake River dams

<p>SPOKANE, Wash. &mdash; Some Republican members of Congress from the Northwest are accusing a GOP Idaho lawmaker of conducting secret negotiations with the Democratic...

Oregon extends COVID workplace mask rule indefinitely

<p>PORTLAND, Ore. &mdash; Oregon adopted a controversial rule on Tuesday that indefinitely extends coronavirus mask and social distancing requirements in all businesses in the...

Oregon extends COVID workplace mask rule indefinitely

PORTLAND, Ore. — Oregon adopted a controversial rule on Tuesday that indefinitely extends coronavirus mask and social distancing requirements in all businesses in the...

GOP lawmaker: Three-Fifths Compromise was to end slavery

<p>NASHVILLE, Tenn. &mdash; A Tennessee Republican falsely declared Tuesday that an 18th century policy designating a slave as three-fifths of a person was adopted...