Alabama: Pastor can hold inmate’s hand during execution

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Alabama said it will allow a death row inmate's pastor to hold his hand during a lethal injection next month, a...

Fighting Texas abortion law could be tough for federal gov’t

WASHINGTON — Foes of the new Texas law that bans most abortions have been looking to the Democratic-run federal government to swoop in and...

Prosecutor: Durst had ‘playbook’ on getting away with murder

LOS ANGELES — Kathie Durst vanished without a trace nearly 40 years ago in New York. She's been declared dead, but her body's never...

Fighting Texas abortion law could be tough for federal gov’t

WASHINGTON — Foes of the new Texas law that bans most abortions have been looking to the Democratic-run federal government to be a saving...

Tribes, states seek review of Native child adoptions case

FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — The U.S. Supreme Court has been asked to review a case that centers on whether Native Americans should receive preference in...

Texas death row inmate seeks pastor’s touch at execution

HOUSTON — A Texas death row inmate set to be executed Wednesday for killing a convenience store worker more than 17 years ago in...

Planned ban over abortion law could cost Texas $7M a year

PORTLAND, Ore. — The city of Portland, Oregon’s plan to boycott Texas goods and services over its new abortion law could cost Texas companies...

Texas governor defends abortion law with no rape exceptions

DALLAS — Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Tuesday defended a new state law banning most abortions that also does not provide exceptions for cases...

Texas GOP bets on hard right turn amid changing demographics

AUSTIN, Texas — Republicans in America's largest conservative state for years racked up victories under the slogan “Keep Texas Red,” a pledge to quash...

Activists focus on tip site in protesting Texas abortion law

DALLAS — Young people on social media have found a way to protest Texas’ new law banning most abortions by focusing on a website...