Brown County Schools releases plan to reopen

The Brown County Health Department has signed off on Brown County Schools’ plan to bring students back starting Wednesday, Aug. 5 for the 2020-2021 school year.

Parents were notified of the plan via ParentSquare late this morning.

The plan outlines how school would be conducted in three different situations: Low to no spread of COVID-19; minimal or moderate spread; and substantial spread.

The low- to no-spread plan, or Plan A, is implemented when 0 to 10 percent of students per building are reporting COVID-19 symptoms. That plan has students attending school in the school buildings every weekday.

Plan B — the minimal or moderate spread plan — kicks in when 11 to 15 percent of students per building have symptoms. It is a hybrid of in-person and online school. Fifty percent of students would be attending traditional school every other day, with remote learning happening on days they are not in buildings. Families would have the same schedule assignments.

When 16 percent or more of students in a building are reporting symptoms, then the substantial spread plan, Plan C, is put into place. Remote learning would occur for all students until the community spread decreases. Then, it would switch to Plan B, then back to Plan A when the case number thresholds were met.

These plans were put together by the district’s Return to School Task Force.

To mitigate risk, students and staff are to conduct self-screenings to prevent anyone from coming to school or work sick.

Digital learning options are provided for families who wish to keep students home.

Schools also will be promoting hand washing, disinfecting surfaces more often, keeping groups of kids together to minimize mixing of groups, maximizing distance between students; and allowing masks, but not requiring them in all situations.

Students will be required to wear masks on the bus, while entering or exiting school buildings, picking up food in the cafeteria line and during passing periods, according to the frequently asked questions document Superintendent Laura Hammack shared with parents.

Masks also will be required for certain classroom activities. Students are encouraged to bring masks from home because the schools have a limited amount.

To help kids keep their distance from one anoter, assigned seating will be required on the buses, with siblings sitting next to each other. Student desks will be spaced apart as far as possible and will face the same direction in the classroom.

Plans A and B allow for a remote learning option for families who do not yet feel comfortable sending their children to school or for students who are in a high-risk category.

“100-percent remote learning will be available for students with at-risk health issues or those who have immediate family members with health issues. We recommend traditional in-person instruction; however, this option is available for families in need,” according to the district’s frequently asked questions document.

Hammack will go live on the Brown County Schools Superintendent Facebook page and YouTube at 5:30 p.m. today to present the plan as well as take questions from families.

Read the entire 2020-2021 return to school plan here.

Here are the frequently asked questions Hammack shared with families today:

When will school start?

Aug. 5, 2020.

Will instruction be offered in a traditional in-person format or will it be offered online?

We will provide traditional in-person instruction (Monday through Friday) for students who are able to return to school. 100-percent remote learning will be available for students with risk-factors/health issues and for those who have immediate family members with health issues.

Will masks be required?

There will be times when students and staff will need to wear masks. Masks will be required on buses, while entering and exiting the school building, while picking up food in the cafeteria line, and during passing periods. Masks might also be required for certain classrooms or classroom activities.

Brown County Schools will provide all students with a lanyard mask carrying clip to help keep masks clean and allow for easy on and off usage. Students are encouraged to bring a mask from home. The state of Indiana will be sending us masks to start the school year and we have purchased masks with CARES funding; however, the supply is limited.

If a student has medical issues that result in the student not being able to wear a mask, we will handle those issues individually.

Will social distancing be required?

We will practice social distancing when possible. As compared with much larger districts, our schools are relatively small. However, social distancing will not be possible at all times. In classrooms, student seating may be arranged to all face in the same direction, and will be spaced as far apart as possible. On buses, we will require assigned seating and siblings will sit together. At lunch, we will maximize available spaces for distancing and seating will be assigned.

I drop my child off at school. Will anything change?

We anticipate an increase in parents dropping students off at school. Some schools may need to assign staggered drop off times and/or change drop off locations to accommodate this increase. Your school will provide more details.

What changes will students see in the cafeteria and at water fountains?

Students will be assigned seating in the cafeterias and will be spaced as far apart as possible. Masks will be required while picking up food in the cafeteria line. All students will wash hands prior to entering the cafeteria and we ask that no cash is used in lunch lines. Cash will still be accepted for pre-payments. Students will be assisted by food services staff in the cafeteria line and most food selections will be pre-wrapped. As a result, the number of choices may be reduced.

All water fountains in the buildings will be turned off. Students are encouraged to bring their own water bottles to school. Water will be available in all schools. Your school will provide more details on how water will be distributed.

What will be different on school buses?

Social distancing is difficult to maintain on all of our school buses; therefore, we will require masks to be worn on the school bus. It is very important for our bus drivers to have their full attention on the road, so it is not possible for them to ensure that masks are worn throughout the bus ride. Please encourage your children to wear their masks on the bus. Students will be assigned seats on the bus and family units will sit together.

What changes will be implemented in school health clinics?

There will be separate areas created in our health clinics—one for regular care and an isolated area for anyone who presents signs or symptoms of illness. Individual classrooms will be stocked with health clinic materials for needs that do not need to be treated in the health clinic.

You can also expect to see changes in how we administer stocked medicines and new criteria for staying home from school/returning to school, based on CDC guidelines. Please contact your school if you have specific concerns regarding your child’s medical care.

I understand there are three levels of plans for school. How will this work?

We have three plans in place for school. First, we have a plan for when there is “Low to No Spread” of COVID-19 symptoms. This is the plan that is in place for our Return to School. If we witness an increasing number of students reporting symptoms per building, then we will deploy the next step of the plan for, “Minimal to Moderate Spread.” If we have increasing numbers of students reporting students per building with the Minimal to Moderate Spread plan deployed, then we will deploy the most restrictive step of the plan, “Substantial Spread.” See the Brown County Schools Return to School Plan for more information on these different levels.

What changes will be implemented on playgrounds and in physical education classes?

To limit exposure, principals are reducing the number of classes going out to recess at the same time. Recess will still take place daily in grades K-6 and the amount of recess time will stay that same. Playground equipment will be cleaned daily. Students will use hand sanitizer or wash their hands before they go out to recess and after they return to school.

Physical education classes will take place outside, when possible.

What changes will be implemented for choir and band?

The vocal music and band educators are working together to develop protocols for their classes that will allow instruction to continue; however, the classes will look different than what is customary. Vocal music and band are two areas of concern for increased risk of exposure to the virus. Our educators are committed to continuing instruction, but will do so in ways that keep the students and staff protected.

How will the 100-percent remote learning option work?

100-percent remote learning will be available for students with at-risk health issues or those who have immediate family members with health issues. We recommend traditional in-person instruction; however, this option is available for families in need.

To manage staffing and scheduling, students must commit to in-person or remote learning for an established period of time and will not be permitted to move back and forth during this commitment. Students in grades K-12 will have the option to select remote learning for a trimester grading period session and can return to traditional in-person instruction following the completion of the grading period or, if it is advisable that the student return to in-person instruction sooner than indicated, this shift will be considered.

Grades K–8: Students who do not attend school in person will be enrolled in remote learning via Canvas, our Learning Management System. Students will receive both virtual instruction (class meetings, small group, and one-on-one) and pre-recorded lessons that focus on essential standards in each core subject area (reading, writing and math). In addition, readings, practice exercises and other activities may be given. Students in grades K-6 are expected to be engaged in learning for 5 hours daily. Students in grades 7-8 are expected to be engaged in learning for 6 hours daily. Some courses provided in the schools will not be available through this option.

Grades 9-12: Students who do not attend school in person will be enrolled in a software platform that provides online instruction (Edmentum/Plato) and/or will be enrolled in remote learning via Canvas, our Learning Management System. In addition to online readings and practice exercises, instruction and assignments may include other activities such as video tutorials and projects. Some courses provided at BCHS will not be available through this option. Students and family will be contacted by BCHS staff to assign courses. Students in grades 9-12 are expected to be engaged in learning for 6 hours daily.

Will before/after school care still take place?

Yes. Before and after school care will still take place at HES, SES, VBES, and BCIS.

Will students be screened for COVID-19 symptoms?

Parents/Guardians need to be attentive to the daily health of their children and will be asked to screen their child daily for a fever AND symptoms related to COVID-19 before sending them to school. Students must be fever free for 72 hours without the use of fever reducing medication. School staff will also be receiving professional development on how to recognize potential COVID-19 symptoms. No one should be in our buildings if they are experiencing any symptoms of illness.

What will happen if someone tests positive for COVID-19?

If we have a confirmed case of COVID-19, we will follow direction from the Brown County Health Department. This may include closing a classroom, school or schools for a period of time and shifting quickly to Remote Learning at home for students who are impacted. Many of our new procedures are designed to support contact tracing should a confirmed case occur. This will assist the Health Department with quickly identifying and contacting individuals who may have been exposed.

What do I do if my child or someone living in my home tests positive for COVID-19?


This phone number dials directly to the superintendent. Call this number ONLY if there is a positive case in your home.

Will schools be open all year? Will these procedures be in place all year?

The pandemic shifts rapidly and we don’t know what the rest of the school year may bring. If cases surge, schools may be ordered to close again, requiring all students to shift to remote learning. If the situation improves, we may be able to abandon some elements of this plan and return to more normal operating conditions.

What cleaning enhancements are being implemented in buildings?

We’ve stocked up on personal protective equipment, hand washing materials and cleaning supplies.

In addition to our regular cleaning, we’ll be disinfecting more often in common areas like hallways, cafeterias, bathrooms, playgrounds and buses, as well as high-touch surfaces like door handles and desks. We’ll also be using disinfectants as needed in buildings and buses for intense after-hours cleaning.

What social and emotional resources will be in place as students return?

We recognize the importance of providing students and staff with extra social and emotional support as they return to school this year. Expect to see special welcome activities, extra time for building relationships and establishing new routines, and focus on coping strategies.

Our counselors will be ready to assist students and staff in need of support. Additionally, school-based mental health professionals through Centerstone will be available.

Will back to school events still be happening?

Our annual Back to School Nights have been cancelled and schools will be sharing information with families that would normally be shared during Back to School Nights electronically. In order to ease the transitions for students incoming to a new building, K-6 Principals and staff are happy to provide individual tours or meetings to assist students with the transition to their new school.

BCJHS and BCHS will still have their registration events on July 28 from 8am-4pm and July 29 from 10am-6pm.

What can parents do now to ensure a smooth start to school?

We encourage parents to talk with, reassure and support their children about these changes, and the importance of social distancing and wearing masks.

Allow your child to ask questions and answer them to the best of your ability.

Explain the why behind wearing a mask and have your child practice wearing their mask. See this information to assist:

Read a story together about returning to school.

Follow recommended guidelines regarding masks and social distancing this summer to help prevent a future surge in cases that might impact the start of school.

Help students get back into a normal schedule at least a week before school begins, such as reinstituting bedtime and wake up routines.

Be sure that all your child’s immunizations are up to date.

Stay in close communication with your school should your health situation or return plans change.

Check ParentSquare daily.

What other changes can I expect?

Unfortunately, we must restrict all school visitors to only visitors that are adding to the educational experience of the classroom to promote health, safety and social distancing. All visitors will be screened for fever and other symptoms by front office staff.

The pandemic shifts rapidly and we don’t know what the rest of the school year may bring. Other changes could certainly be implemented and we will be in close communication with staff and families as future decisions are made.

Will the attendance policies change?

We’ll be reviewing our overall attendance policies for staff and students, as well as eliminating any attendance recognitions that could encourage attending school when not feeling well. Students and staff should not be in buildings if they are experiencing any symptoms of illness. Please keep your child at home if they are presenting with a fever and/or symptoms related to COVID-19.

Will field trips still happen?

Field Trips are cancelled for the first semester of school year 2020-2021. This policy will be re-evaluated in December based on the information that we know at the time. School Transportation will still be active to transport students to Athletic competitions and Extracurricular activities.

Who do I contact if I have issues with my school issued electronic device?

Call the Technology Help Desk Hotline: 812-988-5920

Please leave a message with your name and contact number and a member of our Technology Department will contact you.

Will hotspot devices be available if my family chooses remote learning?

Brown County Schools is paying for 30 hotspot devices. These devices will be distributed by lottery. In order to qualify for a hotspot device, a student’s family must: 1) Qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch, 2) Not have access to the internet in the home, 3) Have the ability to connect to Verizon cellular, 4) Have medical needs in the home that require the student stays home for Remote Learning.

Brown County Schools has applied for grant funding to support the deployment of more hotspot devices. If the grant funding is awarded, we will be able to expand access to these devices.

How can I stay up to date on what is going on?

Parent Square is our phone/text/email messaging system. This is how each school and the district communicates with our families. It is critical that you have an active email address and/or phone number in the Skyward system so you can receive email and text message updates. If you have any questions about the Parent Square system, please contact the Technology Help Desk Hotline at: 812-988-5920

My child is preschool-aged. Will you still offer preschool? What are the plans for preschool?

We are thrilled to continue our Preschool program at HES, SES, and VBES. Should those locations reach capacity, we will also offer the opportunity for preschool attendance at BCIS. The preschool program is governed by a separate institution from the Indiana Department of Education. As such, a separate protocol will be in place for preschool attendance. We will share more information with preschool parents as it is available. Please contact the school if you are interested in enrolling in preschool.