GOP Bedford businessman seeks to replace Koch


A Bedford resident is seeking to replace Bedford lawmaker Eric Koch as District 65 state representative.

Chris May, 40, has announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination in the May primary. District 65 includes all of Brown County.

“After having served as commissioner, I feel the need to take that insight and experience to the Statehouse and really be an advocate for the needs I see on a daily basis,” May said in a news release.

May is a three-term Lawrence County commissioner. He works as a sales engineer at Whitney Tool and co-owns and operates Hoosier Tech Properties, a housing business.

“Entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of our economy in south-central Indiana. I will tirelessly fight high taxes and job-killing regulations on their behalf,” he said. “It alarms me that big corporations have so much power at the state government level.”

He and his wife, Amanda — principal at Parkview Intermediate School in Bedford — have two children. He is a graduate of Vincennes University.

He describes himself as an advocate for public education. “Seeing the challenges that my wife faces every day as well as the programs that are successful for her school puts me at a unique advantage in being able to fight for what educators want and need,” he said.

May also is active in the Boys and Girls Club of Lawrence County and involved in several fraternal organizations.

“Community is everything to me,” he said. “I will offer the citizens of District 65 a vision that includes the continued economic development of south-central Indiana, the safety of our citizens, a good quality of life, and first-rate services. I believe that the way to achieve these goals is through rigorous fiscal responsibility.”

Fourteen-year lawmaker Koch has announced his candidacy for the State Senate seat being vacated by Bedford Republican Brent Steele, who is retiring.

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OCCUPATION: Sales engineer and small business owner

POLITICAL EXPERIENCE: Three-term Lawrence County commissioner

FAMILY: Wife, Amanda, and two children
