Restoration work gives historic buildings new life


Restoration work gives buildings new life

To the editor:

The historic Old Log Jail behind our courthouse was extensively repaired over the past summer and early fall. A new foundation with stone facing and several new locust logs were replaced. A severe lean to the south was corrected and a new brick wall laid to connect Locust Lane with the courthouse parking lot. A damaged tree was removed and the site’s drainage was corrected.

All the above was achieved under the direction and guidance of Bird Snider of Brown County. Mr. Snider was assisted by Ivan Deckard, Jim Schultz and Norbert Garvey.

The Old Log Jail will reopen this April on Fridays and Saturdays. Come take a look at this unique structure.

Many thanks to Bird, Ivan, Jim and Norb for their excellent work.

With gratitude,

Bob Shook, Brown County Historical Society

Musicians needed at fundraising concert

To the editor:

The Brown County Weekend Backpack committee members would like to announce an upcoming spring concert honoring David Shaffer, retiring superintendent of Brown County Schools and benefiting the weekend food program for students in the Brown County schools.

This concert will be at the Brown County High School auditorium on Friday, April 29, from 7 to 9 p.m.

Students and staff from the Brown County school system (and their families) and any local residents who would like to participate are invited to perform.

The concert will focus on classical music; however, all music genres are welcome to participate. (Studies from University of California-Irvine have shown that classical music for children improves math scores and vocabulary skills, i.e., The Mozart Effect.)

This concert will provide not only the variety of music performances but also a unique time for community gathering and thanking Mr. Shaffer for his time with Brown County Schools.

This concert is free, but donations will be accepted at the door. All proceeds will benefit the Brown County Weekend Backpacks program. The weekend backpacks program operates throughout the school year and provides nutritious meals for at-risk students in the Brown County school system. The goal of the program: “No child deserves to go to bed hungry.”

This concert event will need volunteer workers and musicians to make it a success. If you can help with planning or participating in the concert, please contact Clara Stanley, concert coordinator, at 312-310-3617 or email her at clara [email protected].

David Shaffer, our beloved, retiring school superintendent, will be the guest of honor, and your support will ensure all of our Brown County children have enough healthy food each weekend.

Clara Stanley, Jenise Bohbrink, Sandy Ridenour and Marylin Day, fundraising team for Brown County Weekend Backpacks (submitted by Day)

Visit to Statehouse was educational for student

To the editor:

Recently, I was fortunate enough to join more than 400 other Ivy Tech Community College students from each of Ivy Tech’s 14 regions to participate in the annual Ivy Tech Community College Day at the Statehouse.

Ivy Tech Day provides students with an opportunity to interact with state legislators, enhance our understanding of state government, and strengthen our roles as citizens at the local, state and national level.

I had the opportunity to attend this event with Ivy Tech Columbus Campus President Dr. Steven Combs and Leslie Martinez, graduate assistant for student life. We heard speakers including Gov. Mike Pence, Supreme Court Justice Mark Massa, President Pro Tempore of the Senate David Long and Speaker of the House Brian Bosma. Ivy Tech President Tom Snyder and Chancellors David Bathe and Jonathan Weinzapfel also addressed us.

Ivy Tech Day at the Statehouse offers a wonderful chance to meet and talk to other students. But more importantly, it was the perfect opportunity to speak to our legislators and to talk about how beneficial Ivy Tech is as a whole and what we can do as a community to improve ourselves.

As students, this event was beneficial because it afforded us an opportunity to take the initiative to stretch outside our comfort zones. Often, students may not realize what long-term benefits can come from events of this nature. It can become a resource tool that can provide us an opportunity to not only broaden our horizons, but to also give us a head start on networking.

In a competitive job market, networking is invaluable. As a paralegal major, I was able to use this opportunity to actually meet and become acquainted with the people who create law. That was not only exciting, but perhaps even more educational than just going to a class and trying to “imagine” a real-world scenario from the words I read in a textbook.

Being able to see, hear and learn a real-life, practical application of the subject matter that I am currently studying is irreplaceable and invaluable. As a student, I take my studies seriously, as do many of my peers. When an opportunity is available to expand our knowledge outside the classroom setting, we should not pass it by.

Our legislators thanked us and the faculty for the hard work we all have invested to improve our lives. If you have enough courage to attend a school function, you certainly have enough courage to make leadership decisions and make the changes that can lead to an overall better lifestyle.

Ivy Tech students benefit from a caring school that wants their students to achieve success. I believe if more students participate in events such as Ivy Tech Day at the Statehouse, we will see a rise in awareness regarding many aspects of public policies, how it touches our communities and perhaps encourage us to become more actively engaged in issues that we care about.

Shaney Smith, Brown County

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