Bedford pharmacist seeking state senate seat


Josh Anderson, a 36-year-old pharmacist, is one of three Bedford residents seeking to replace Brent Steele as District 44 state senator.

Steele is retiring. Other candidates are attorney and state District 65 Rep. Eric Koch, R-Bedford, and former District 65 Rep. Linda Henderson, a Democrat.

District 44 includes Brown and Lawrence counties and portions of Bartholomew, Jackson and Monroe counties.

Anderson said he believes voters are getting tired of the status quo, and that’s the main reason behind his decision to run.

His strategy for beating Koch in the May 2 primary is “getting out and talking to voters and letting them know what I’m about and where I stand on issues.”

“With all of the changes going on with health care, someone who has real experience in health care should represent what the population really needs instead of lobbyists and special interest groups speaking for them,” Anderson said.

“I have seen so much waste and fraudulent activities in the field of health care that raise prices for my patients. I feel that I can really make a difference at the legislative level.”

The drug epidemic is a focus for Anderson, who served on a prescription drug abuse task force for Indiana Attorney General Greg Zoeller, he said.

Crowders, a Bedford pharmacy partly owned by Anderson, was the first pharmacy in the state to implement the yellow jug prescription take-back program, getting unused drugs out of medicine cabinets and keeping them out of our water system, he said.

Anderson also is part owner and operator of Lincoln Plaza Pharmacy and Med Shoppe Pharmacy in Bedford, and Panacea Pharmacy in Bloomington.

“My wife (Laura) and I have invested quite a bit of ourselves into our community,” Anderson said. “We want our boys to be proud of where they come from and have job opportunities when the time comes.”

Being a father of three boys, education is of utmost importance, he said.

“I feel that legislators are too involved in the process,” Anderson said. “We need to be listening to the teachers and other education professionals to improve our schools. They are on the front line, and nobody better understands their needs than them.”

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Hometown: Bedford

Occupation: Pharmacist

Political experience: None

Family: Wife, Laura; three young sons
