Letter: Bullying, homeless stories struck a chord


To the editor:

I bought a copy of the June 15 Brown County Democrat. I read the article “Standing up to bullies.” It really touched something deep in my spirit. I’m glad Rachel Bogle spoke out against bullying.

As a young child and in my teens, I, as well as my siblings, were bullied. My dad was a mechanic, my mom a stay-at-home mom. There were six kids to provide for. We were dirty because at some point, my mom quit caring. We were bullied, picked on, made fun of, and we did not have “good clothes.”

My sisters and I were sexually abused.

At the time, there was no Child Protective Services. In adulthood, as Rachel said at age 28, words still hurt. I’m in my 50s and I agree, words still do.

I also starved myself because that’s one thing I could control.

To this day I deal with anxiety, depression and can be awkward in social situations. I never felt I was good enough.

I read the article about the homeless teens, too. Although I wasn’t a homeless teen, by heart breaks for them. Parents can be selfish and abusive.

Some of you (teens) are protecting younger siblings. You have been strong for far too long. You need to take care of yourselves, too. You need emotional support as well.

From me: Just know you are priceless, loved and NOT a mistake!

Side note: I don’t write letters often. I was compelled. I just want these kids or adults who never got to be kids to know you are loved.

Chris L. Thomas, Brown County

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