Meet a new teacher: Jaclyn Hardin


Editor’s note: The Brown County Democrat asked principals to pass a note with questions from us to their new teachers. We’ll be introducing them over the next few weeks.

Jaclyn R. Hardin

Serving: Helmsburg and Sprunica elementary schools as counselor.

Where are you from, originally? Nashville. I’m a 2005 Brown County High School graduate, maiden name Jaclyn Hedrick.

Where did you work before coming here? Indian Creek Middle School, Trafalgar

What made you decide to be a teacher? I loved school growing up and I knew I wanted to work in a school, but I never really saw myself as a teacher. I chose counseling because I wanted help students with the things that affect their lives and inhibit their learning. Students’ lives are so much greater than the eight hours a day they spend in the school building. It is imperative that educators remember that just like adults, kids can have a bad night, too, and they may come to school affected by those outside influences. What happens before and after school can directly impact a student’s mood, behavior and ability to learn in the classroom. My goal is to help support both students and teachers, and equip them with the resources and tools to best encourage our students’ potential, growth, success and happiness.

What are you most looking forward to this school year? I am looking forward to making a positive difference in the lives of students in Brown County and joining a team of educators focused on helping our students reach his or her individual fullest potential both academically and personally.

What is one thing you want your students to know about you? I want my students to know I am someone who genuinely cares about the things that matter to them, no matter how big or small those might seem. I am part of a school team that is on their side and I have chosen to be here to help them learn and grow.

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