Fine Print: Criminal court Nov. 4-7

New charges filed

Nov. 4

David E. Guy, dealing in methamphetamine, Level 4 felony; two counts of dealing in methamphetamine, Level 5 felony


Nov. 7

Sean M. Elkins, possession of a narcotic drug, Level 6 felony; remaining count dismissed; 545 days BCJ with 120 days executed, remainder suspended. Credit for 60 actual days. Probation for 425 days, commencing date of sentencing, to include the following special conditions: 40 hours public service restitution, submit to substance abuse evaluation and submit to DNA testing. Defendant’s conviction shall be entered as Class A misdemeanor upon successful completion of probation; $1 fine, $384 total costs.

Chance A. Hayes, possession of marijuana, Class B misdemeanor; 180 days BCJ with 50 days executed, remainder suspended. Credit for 25 actual days. Probation for 130 days, commencing Nov. 7 with conditions to include: 24 hours public service restitution and submit to substance abuse evaluation. Defendant to be released from probation upon notice from probation of successful completion and payment of all fine, costs and fees; $1 fine, $524 total costs.

Dismissed cases

Nov. 7

Sean M. Elkins, driving while suspended, Class A misdemeanor

Rebecca A. Patterson, domestic battery, Class A misdemeanor; disorderly conduct, Class B misdemeanor

Chance A. Hayes, illegal possession of an alcoholic beverage, Class C misdemeanor

Chance Allen Hayes, possession of paraphernalia, Class C misdemeanor