Letter: ‘A loving tribute to a great man’


To the editor:

My first years were spent with my grandparents, aunts and uncles while my mother worked at Camp Atterbury at the PX. Uncle Bud would load me up in Grandpa’s truck which seemed so big to me and take me to Atterbury whenever they had a banquet. It was the first time I’d seen green olives with a red pimento center and green grapes in fruit cocktail.

Often, we would have to wait near the hospital, and would see soldiers with arms or legs missing, eyes missing, skin missing, others with similar horrors of war.

Our whole family was happy when Helmsburg won the sectional tourney, which Uncle Bud and his basketball partners worked hard to win with help from Coach Roscoe Baber. Grandma and Grandpa had a celebration meal for the cheerleaders, team and coach.

At the birth of my youngest brother, Jim, my brothers Dave, Tim and I stayed with Uncle Bud and Aunt Barb for nearly two weeks. Every morning he brought Dave and me from their home on Duncan Road to Bean Blossom to catch the school bus, and every evening, he picked us up.

When we got far enough out of town, he’d pull the car over and ask if I wanted to drive. It gave me tremendous confidence in my driving ability.

Once he sold one of his tractors to help pay church expenses at the church my relatives were so grateful to help come to Brown County, Shepherd of the Hills.

At a time my young family needed money, Uncle Bud gave me a job at his fruit and vegetable market.

It would be hard to say how many people Uncle Bud has helped and enriched their lives. I thank God for the privilege of knowing him, and I am so happy that he had such a wonderful wife and family.

Linda Williamson, Lebanon

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