Letter: County Weekend Backpack Cruise-in a success

To the editor:

On behalf of the children in families who are struggling with hunger, we want to thank everyone who made the first Weekend Backpack Cruise-in a fun and successful event.

Special thanks to Harry Bond and the Shriners who organized it, and Vickie Blake at Creekside Resort for hosting. Thanks also to Big Jim’s BBQ, Big Woods restaurants, the Brown County Playhouse, Harold and Carol Cameron, Hills O’ Brown, Kelp’s, Loyal Cleaning Service, Mousers and Seasons Lodge for their business donations.

Over 60 people enjoyed the fantastic cars, Big Jim’s BBQ and Robbie Bowen’s music. Participants filled a car with donated food and over $1,800 was collected to support the program.

Brown County Weekend Backpacks Inc. provides nutritious weekend meals so our children can thrive. For more information or to donate, find us on Facebook.

Mark Lindenlaub for Brown County Weekend Backpacks Inc.

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