Letter: Hilly Half was well-organized, well-attended

To the editor:

A huge congratulations to the Brown County YMCA on a very successful inaugural Hilly Half. Thank you to the Y staff, Y friends, friends of the Y and all the wonderful volunteers.

We worked Friday and Saturday and heard many positive comments. The participants will return and they will spread the word.

Most participants have no idea what is involved in planning such an event, especially the first. Everyone who helped was so very nice. The Y seemed to address every detail.

One lady said “I have participated in many half-marathons and this is the most well attended with the most pleasant people that I have ever attended.”

Also, a big thank-you to the sponsors. Financial success for these events depends on the sponsors.

We will certainly look forward to the second annual Hilly Half and our daughter and husband from Washington will return to Brown County.

Doreen and T.H. St. Clair, Brown County

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