Letter: The Bridge church moves to downtown Nashville

To the editor:

Most of us think of a bridge as a pretty stationary thing — solid and secure, carrying us over waters that may be calm and peaceful or rushing and dangerous. Yes, a bridge is generally a good thing to have around. But, what about a bridge that moves?

As of Dec. 1, Brown County has its very own “moving bridge”: The Bridge Church of Brown County, that is.

The Bridge Brown County, an interdenominational Christian church, has offered a solid and secure place of worship and belonging for approximately 13 years. Recently, its original location on Old 46 in Gnaw Bone was sold, thus, the Bridge Church is moving.

“Change is never easy,” stated Pastor Darrell Stout, “we’ve been very comfortable here,” speaking of their original location. “However, this could turn out to be a good thing. We’ll just have to see where the Lord leads us.”

To the delight of the congregation, lead He did.

“We have had four offers from various building owners plus one from another church in the short time since we received word our building was sold. We have been blessed,“ Stout said.

He was impressed with the way the community rallied around the church, and so many offered their help. While he thinks all the offers were most kind and generous, one was especially appealing.

The Brown County Playhouse offered the use of their facility to the church every Sunday morning before they begin their own Sunday programming. Pastor Stout and the congregation agree, the Brown County Playhouse offered a wonderful opportunity to be seen by a completely new group of people. The location, directly on Van Buren Street downtown, will be convenient to Brown County residents and tourists as well.

“There are so many people out there who already know the Lord, and of course we welcome them to join us,” stated church elder Tim Davis. “But, there’s another group. Maybe they’re just passing through or here for a visit, and they have no knowledge or relationship with the Lord — those are the people I hope we can draw in. The visibility of the Playhouse location offers us the opportunity to do just that.”

The congregation agrees. All are welcome.

Pastor Stout extends an invitation to any who choose to join them for Sunday morning worship and message at 9:30 a.m. Sundays.

Stout and his congregation are very excited to begin a new chapter of their church’s history in the beautiful, comfortable facility the Playhouse location offers. They hope everyone will come and enjoy the congregation’s warm, welcoming, family atmosphere.

As Pastor Stout exclaimed, “Our best days are yet to come!”

Sandy Barnett, church member

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