Letters: Legislators, majority’s views merit respect


To the editor:

At the “Meet Your Legislators” forum at the County Office Building on March 11, State Sen. Eric Koch (R-Bedford) and State Rep. Chris May (R-Bedford) offered a reasoned presentation of their legislative efforts and results, and then responded with grace to a series of loaded questions from a largely hostile audience.

The League of Women Voters served up a number of those questions posited on premises that were either patently false or clearly debatable. This was unworthy of an organization that professes to be nonpartisan.

Koch carried Brown County by a 2-to-1 margin and May by a 3-to-2 margin.

The offices to which they were elected deserve more respect than they were accorded, as do the views of the preponderance of the Brown County electorate.

Maynard Brandon, Nashville

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