Fine Print: Criminal court April 3-13

New charges filed

April 3

Joshua L. Clark, operating a vehicle while intoxicated, Class C misdemeanor; operating a vehicle while intoxicated — previously convicted of the offense of OWI within five years, Level 6 felony; operating a vehicle with an ACE of 0.08 or more, Class C misdemeanor; operating a vehicle while intoxicated — previously convicted of the offense of OWI within five years, Level 6 felony

April 4

Troy R. Mace, child molesting, Level 3 felony; child molesting, Level 4 felony; vicarious sexual gratification, Level 4 felony; child solicitation, Level 5 felony

April 7

Eric Olmsted, visiting a common nuisance — controlled substances, Class B misdemeanor

William L. Beasley, possession of marijuana, Class B misdemeanor; possession of paraphernalia, Class C misdemeanor

Sierra M. Steiner, unlawful possession of a syringe, Level 6 felony; public intoxication, Class B misdemeanor

April 10

Robert E. Metsch, driving while suspended, Class A misdemeanor

April 12

Anthony D. Elmore, operating a motor vehicle after forfeiture of license for life, Level 5 felony; false informing, Class B misdemeanor

Pre-trial diversion

March 31

William P. Head, possession of paraphernalia, Class C misdemeanor

April 10

Sarah McCoy, possession of methamphetamine, Level 6 felony

April 12

John H. Davis Jr., possession of marijuana, Class B misdemeanor; possession of paraphernalia, Class A misdemeanor

Dismissed cases

April 13

Richard W. Pribble, possession of marijuana, Class B misdemeanor; possession of paraphernalia, Class C misdemeanor


April 3

Steven W. Sullivan, count 2: unlawful possession of a syringe, Level 6 felony; count 3: possession of paraphernalia, Class C misdemeanor; remaining count dismissed. Count 2: 240 days in BCJ with 240 days executed. Count 3: 60 days in BCJ, all executed. Credit for 118 actual days. Sentence on each count to run concurrent. Defendant shall provide truthful testimony against co-defendant Jenny L. Lazado at trial; $1 fine, $384 total costs.

April 6

Daylin A. Jasper, driving while suspended, Class A misdemeanor; remaining count dismissed; four days BCJ, all executed. Credit for two actual days. License suspension for 365 days; $1 fine, $184.50 total costs.

April 10

Kraig Morris, possession of a controlled substance, Class A misdemeanor; remaining count dismissed; 365 days BCJ/BCCC with four days executed, remainder suspended. Credit for two actual days. Probation for 361 days with conditions to include: 80 hours restitution, substance abuse evaluation. Any property seized forfeited; $1 fine, $384 total costs.

Eric W. Thuma, causing serious bodily injury when operating a motor vehicle with an ACE of 0.08 or more, Level 6 felony; remaining counts dismissed; 912 days DOC/BCJ/BCCC with 547 days executed, remainder suspended. Executed sentence to be served six months BCJ/BCCC, work release if able, then balance on home detention. Executed sentence to commence no later than May 30. Defendant to be placed on home detention until medically able to report to BCJ. Credit for one actual day. Probation for 365 days to begin upon release from incarceration/home detention with conditions to include: Substance abuse evaluation, Victim Impact Panel, DNA testing and drug screens at least once a month. Defendant shall be permitted to attend Tara Treatment as condition of home detention if accepted. License suspension for two-and-a-half years, retroactive; $1 fine, $384.50 total costs.

April 13

Kim D. Terrill, disorderly conduct, Class B misdemeanor; four days BCJ, all executed. Credit for two actual days; $1 fine, $184 total costs.