Letters: Radio station needs help covering expense

To the editor:

The repeater on Lanam Ridge Road that provides the 100.7 FM signal has been out of service for about two weeks. The reason for that is the Brown County Water Utility has built a new water tower and is in the process of dismantling the old one.

About 10 years ago, the people of Brown County raised several thousand dollars ($15,000?) to purchase the tower and repeater that sat on top of the old water tower. This repeater makes it possible for folks in Brown County and the surrounding area to receive WFHB. The cost to move the tower to the new location is in excess of $5,000, and we need your help.

This is a lot of money for a volunteer-powered radio station, and it’s separate from our operating costs. We’re in the process of trying to negotiate a better deal, but much of that figure represents a fixed cost and must be paid in order to return 100.7 to service.

The station has just finished our successful Spring Fund Drive, and we’ve raised the money it takes to keep WFHB on the air. What we don’t have is the money it will cost to restore the tower and return 100.7 to the airwaves. As a means of funding this venture we’ve set up a Go Fund Me account.

We appreciate all of the loyal listeners who contribute their hard-earned dollars to support the station, and the sustaining members that help to keep us going. This expenditure represents a one-time cost, and we’re asking you to go the extra mile and help return 100.7 to service.

In these changing times, it’s important to support award-winning local news, the great music and information shows many of us have come to love. If you agree, please consider chipping in at gofundme.com/wfhb-1007-fm-tower-transfer. Thank you.

Pam Raider, Brown County

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