Letters: Literacy Coalition grateful for BCCF grant


To the editor:

The Brown County Literacy Coalition (BCLC) would like to give a big, heartfelt thank-you to the Brown County Community Foundation for a grant to promote literacy throughout our community.

This funding will partially go to purchase four new Little Free Libraries, which will be built for us this summer by Logan Miller, an Eagle Scout candidate, and his team of Boy Scouts. Our Little Free Libraries program is part of our book distribution initiative and is coordinated by our tireless Friend of Literacy Linda Todd, and equally tireless Jonathan Bolte, vice president for the BCLC.

We’d also like to thank the foundation for their recognition of Jonathan Bolte, Julie Winn and Rita Simon as Volunteers of the Year for their countless and impactful contributions to our community.

The BCLC continues to be a recipient of their efforts to help Brown County kids thrive, and for that we are grateful.

Patricia Krahnke, president, Brown County Literacy Coalition

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