Letter: Skateboard park a good idea for Nashville teenagers

To the editor:

Earlier this year, I met with the Brown County Enrichment for Teens Association about the possibility of publishing a book of writing by their young members.

I applaud BETA and other groups that offer local kids constructive after-school activities. In today’s world, alternatives to inactivity, cruising in cars, internet addiction and, of course, drugs, are more welcome than ever.

Not long ago, BETA gave a presentation to the town council asking for skateboard lanes in Nashville streets. The request was declined for safety reasons. That decision was understandable given the congestion on town streets, especially during tourist season.

As an alternative, BETA is now advocating the construction of a skateboard park. I’ve heard discussion of placing it in the Brown County State Park or Deer Run, but this raises the issue of skateboarding on the shoulder of State Road 46, or along Helmsburg Road.

In my view, a skateboard park is a great idea, but it needs to be within walking distance of the school.

I recognize that skateboards are unpopular with some members of the community, who object to seeing them in streets and parking lots where they sometimes clash with cars and pedestrians. In this instance, doesn’t the idea of a park satisfy both sides?

I’d like to add another reason I support the idea. Think about the bonanza resulting from our designation as a destination site for mountain biking, which is attracting a significant population of new visitors who would otherwise overlook Brown County.

These outdoor sports enthusiasts are delivering an infusion of fresh young blood to the local economy. As a community, shouldn’t we do everything in our power to make their visits more enjoyable? We’ve already added some bike lanes in town, but we also need more bike parking, playgrounds for the children of bikers and other amenities.

That’s where the skateboard park comes in. It’s easy to imagine 30-something parents heading off on their mountain bikes, while their teens do some skateboarding. To me, a skateboard park goes hand in hand with the mountain bike bonanza.

I hope we can find a way to integrate both in Brown County’s evolution as a 21st-century destination for recreational travel.

Dan Snow, Nashville