Letter: Do better at litter cleanup for good of all


To the editor:

As we worry about the things that go on in Washington, how about worrying about the things that go on in our own community?

People who smoke and throw down the butts that do not biodegrade, rather, gather along our curbsides: It seems to be if you have to smoke, that’s your business; yet, be responsible and put out your cigarette and see to it that you put it in the trash. Even then, it goes into the dump and stays there, but breaking down into compostable material.

The same goes for all those McDonald’s containers of every sort, littering our roads and grass. What goes through people’s minds, when it would be so simple to deposit them in the proper trash? Also, there are all the plastic bottles that could be recycled with little effort.

Save our environment for all of us and the next generation. Think about it, people. Taking care of our parks, yards and all is as important as taking care of our bodies.

Barbara O. Hoffman, Nashville

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