Letter: Why Liz Watson wants a seat in the U.S. Congress


To the editor:

Liz Watson is the best qualified candidate for the U.S. 9th Congressional District. A graduate of Bloomington High School South, she has Hoosier roots that go back to Civil War days. Her kids attend public elementary school.

Liz is a lawyer who has dedicated her career to advancing women and working people. While serving as a congressional staffer, she led the team that produced the $15-an-hour minimum wage bill, and lined up over 130 Democratic cosponsors. That included convincing those who thought maybe $12 or $13 was more realistic that $15 was the right number, and getting their names on the legislation. She’s running so laws like that, which directly help people, have a better chance of passing.

Vote for Liz Watson.

Guy Loftman, Bloomington

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