SOFTBALL: Eagles on a nine-game hot streak


By DAVID WOOD, for The Democrat

The Brown County varsity softball team’s hot streak improved to nine straight wins with an early closeout over Edgewood May 1.

The Eagles, now 11-2 overall and 4-1 in conference, sent the Mustangs home in the bottom of the sixth after piling on five runs to make the score 12-2, invoking the 10-run rule.

Heading into the game, Edgewood had been 11-1 and ranked the No. 1 3A team in a recent IHSAA coaches’ poll.

“It’s always nice to know you beat a team like Edgewood. Regardless of the poll, they’re always one of the top teams in the state in 3A,” Eagles’ Head Coach Kevin Greve said. “They’re always a team you can depend on to be really good, so to come out and be able to take care of business the way we did today is incredibly exciting.”

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Despite Edgewood’s record and polling rank, Greve said his girls were visibly ready.

“Our girls were ready to go from the first pitch tonight. You could just feel it in their warm-ups and body language,” he said. “They were prepared to get after it today and the girls came through, every single one of them,” he said.

“It was just incredible to watch and to be a part of as a coach. Those are the kinds of games you hope for, seeing things come together like it did today.”

Emma Summers, the 15-year-old pitcher for the Eagles, called the win “crazy” in light of Edgewood’s rank and prowess.

“I was really proud because we came out really strong. We knew Edgewood was a tough team going into it,” she said. “For us to come out and beat them like that is crazy.”

While she was proud of her own play, Summers believed her teammates were deserving of praise all the same.

“Everything was great. We communicated well, hit the ball well, and we all supported each other well. It was just all around a great game.”

Sarah Fishel, the 16-year-old shortstop for the Eagles, was also surprised at winning in such a dramatic fashion.

“I can’t say I had my doubts, but I knew they were a very good team,” she said. “I didn’t by any means know that it was going to be this big of a win.”

Fishel believed the win carried additional meaning because of their personal rivalry with the Mustangs following last year’s sectional loss. “I know for the other girls it’s an important win,” she said.

Sectionals will be upon the Eagles again soon, as the last regular season game is May 18. The Eagles have drawn Sullivan as their first-round opponent.

Fishel predicted the team would be in good spirits against Sullivan after this win.

“I think it puts us in a great place moving on into the rest of the season and sectionals, especially knowing that Edgewood just beat Sullivan earlier this week,” she said.

“I think this win puts us in a better mindset for going on into sectionals and regionals, however far we make it.”

Greve, no matter how far the team goes, simply wants to see his players learning and getting better.

“As far as going forward in the season, I just want to see us improve every at-bat, every play in the field, every pitch, and to be focused,” he said.”

“There’s still stuff to grow into, and I’m looking forward to working with them.”

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