GUEST OPINION: What do flamingos have to do with the community foundation?

By JENISE BOHBRINK, guest columnist

Jenise Bohbrink
Jenise Bohbrink

Why flamingos? What’s the connection between flamingos and the Brown County Community Foundation (BCCF)?

The short answer is nothing, other than the fun alliteration. But let me explain how the “Find the Foundation Flock of Flamingos” came about.

In a staff 25th anniversary brainstorming session, we were talking about how we could make the BCCF’s impact in the community more visible. We discussed ribbons, banners, giant wreaths, flags and more. Someone mentioned that they had seen orange bicycles in Bloomington that were promoting a business and these bikes were randomly popping up around the town. We began discussing our options of something that would be eye catching: painted little wagons, green bicycles, flamingos — now that would be funny.

Well, the flamingos stuck, and we began planning.

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It was decided that each week, the flamingos would migrate to a different organization that has received a grant from the BCCF. We obtained permission from the organizations to place the flamingos on their property, as well as obtaining sign permits from the county.

The idea is that people will find the flock, take a selfie with the flamingos, and post it on the BCCF’s Facebook page. Each week, a winner is chosen from those that post selfies and are given a goodie bag. Check out all the posted pictures at

That is how the flamingo became the mascot for the Brown County Community Foundation’s 25th anniversary celebration. Our hope is that when you see a flamingo, you will think about the Brown County Community Foundation.

For more information about our 25th anniversary celebrations, go to

Jenise Bohbrink is a development and program assistant for the Brown County Community Foundation. She can be reached at 812-988-4482 or [email protected].