Two charged with felonies after probation home visit

Two people were charged with felonies after the Brown County Probation Department did a home visit on North Jefferson Street.

Det. Paul Henderson with the Brown County Sheriff’s Department accompanied a probation officer on May 30. When Henderson exited the vehicle and said “hello” to a man sitting in the doorway, the man — later identified as Codinle R. Yoder, 29 — shut the door, his report said.

Henderson knocked on the door and Yoder answered, confirming that it was the home of the man that probation was trying to visit. The man wasn’t there, but Yoder said he had called him.

While speaking with Yoder, Henderson reported seeing a mirror with a cut straw, white powdery residue and a credit card on a table directly behind him. A woman was in the home with him. Henderson asked both to exit the home because he was applying for a search warrant. They said that a “kid” was asleep in another room.

Henderson found Adrian P. Bennitt, 19, asleep on the couch. When asked if he could get his shoes on to go outside, Bennitt began to mess with a hat next to the couch, then placed the hat on a chair. That hat contained a syringe, a cut spoon with burn marks and a cotton ball, the police report said.

In the room where Yoder and the woman were sitting is where police found the most contraband, Henderson reported. He found close to a ounce of a crystalline substance, but it did not field-test positive for narcotics. The man whom probation was wanting to visit later told police that Yoder was robbed during a drug deal and had bought fake drugs.

Police also reported finding two bent spoons with burn marks and cotton pieces on them, about 3 grams of marijuana, a bottle of 10 hydrocodone pills, two blue cut straws and a red-capped vial. On the same shelf police found a case containing five syringes, a blue cut straw and two gel capsules of a black substance that was sent for lab testing, since a field test was inconclusive, the police report said.

On another shelf, police found a glass pipe with white powdery residue inside, digital scales, a one-hitter that was burned on one end, several other syringes and three bent spoons, the report said. On a desk, police found a bag with several syringes, used baggies, two Clonazepam pills and an unknown orange pill.

Police also reported finding Yoder’s wallet, several pieces of paper with his name on them, and either a hospital or incarceration bracelet on the shelves, the report said.

On June 14, Yoder was charged with unlawful possession of a syringe, a Level 6 felony; possession of a controlled substance, a Level 6 felony; possession of marijuana, a Class B misdemeanor; and possession of paraphernalia, a Class C misdemeanor.

Bennitt was charged with unlawful possession of a syringe, a Level 6 felony, and possession of paraphernalia, a Class C misdemeanor.