Driver charged with possession

A man who escaped injury when his car hit the back of a gooseneck trailer has now been charged with  misdemeanor possession of paraphernalia.

The charge stems from when Joshua Cross, 26, of Columbus, put a jacket on a 2-year-old child who had been in the car with him during the March 28 crash. In the pocket was a glass smoking pipe.

Cross told police that the pipe was his, but that he hadn’t used it for months. He said it was in his glove box and his fiancee saw it, told him to get rid of it, and he took it from the car to throw it away, but forgot it was in the jacket pocket.

The pipe was found when a volunteer firefighter was looking for keys to the vehicle.

He also told police he had a small wooden box used to store marijuana inside the vehicle, but it was empty when Cross gave it to them.

Cross was cited for having no proof of insurance. His car was towed.