Fine print: Restaurant inspections April-June

Restaurant inspections

April 16

Sweetea’s Tea Shop, 225 S. Van Buren St., Suite C: Two critical violations: Soups being held overnight to be cooled from 135 degrees to 70 degrees in two hours, then to 41 degrees in four more hours, to be corrected now; soups held to be reheated in microwave to 165 degrees for 15 seconds prior to being placed in hot-holding unit, to be corrected now. Three noncritical violations: Head covering to be worn in all food areas, to be corrected now; spatulas to be inverted in holding unit so food contact surface is down, to be corrected now; thermometer needed in freezer, corrected. (routine)

April 22

Needmore Grocery, 4825 State Road 45: No violations observed at time of inspection. (complaint)

April 25

Hobnob Corner, 17 W. Main St.: One non-critical violation, to be corrected by May 15: Gasket on end hot line cooler needs replacement. (routine)

Nashville General Store, 118 E. Washington St.: No violations observed at time of inspection. (routine)

Nashville Fudge Kitchen, 175 S. Van Buren St.: No violations observed at time of inspection. (routine)

Nashville House, 15 S. Van Buren St.: Three non-critical violations: Cooler door handle not functional, “Equipment components such as doors shall be kept intact, tight,” and gasket also loose, to be corrected ASAP; ventilation panel clip missing to hold panel in place, to be corrected by May 1; Hobart cooler by ice cream area not repairable, remove, repeat violation to be corrected by May 15. (routine)

Nashville House Old Country Store, 15 S. Van Buren St.: One critical violation, corrected: Eggs over ready-to-eat items. Keep eggs on bottom of cooler. Three non-critical violations: Invert utensils in backing kitchen containers; fan dusty, both corrected now; fan needs outside screening, to be corrected by May 5. (routine)

May 12

Brown County Junior High School, 95 Schoolhouse Lane: No violations observed at time of inspection. (routine)

May 18

Brown County KOA, 2248 State Road 46 East: No violations observed at time of inspection. (routine)

Brownie’s Bean Blossom Inn, 5730 State Road 135 North: Two noncritical violations: Trash receptacle needed at handwash sink, to be corrected now; brighter lighting needed in dishwashing area (70 foot candles required), to be corrected June 1. (routine)

Gatesville Country Store, 4525 Salt Creek Road: One noncritical violation: Food surfaces in fridge need to be cleaned, to be corrected now. (routine)

June 5

Trolly’s, 11 E. Gould St.: No violations observed at time of inspection. (routine)