Letter: Complaint ‘waste of taxpayers’ money’


To the editor:

In reference to the Sept. 26, 2018 article in the Brown County Democrat, “Official to investigate election complaint”: Have the shameful Washington Democrats’ politics come to Brown County?

An election violation of electioneering, which the Brown County Election Board voted to dismiss by 3-0, warrants a special prosecutor to be appointed? This offense does not carry any fine.

The complainant does not understand that the primary election is an election of the political parties. A person must be a registered Republican on the poll book to partake in the Republican primary election. Also, complaints must come from that party. If you want to be a Republican, just sign the form offered at the polls and you have that right.

It costs to have a special prosecutor to investigate. Why would anyone vote for Kyle Birkemeier, whose brother submitted a picture and complained and caused the waste of the taxpayers’ money on complaints about election procedures?

Gerhard Weber, Brown County

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