Author Q&A: Deborah Bowden

A cookbook inspired by her father and a children’s story about a misunderstood buzzard struggling with bullying are the subjects of local author Deborah Bowden’s two books that are available now.

Horus is a “stinky buzzard” without any friends and everyone is mean to him, Bowden said.

“He’s so sad and lonely. What can he do? Follow Horus and all the lovable characters in this ‘underdog’ series as they help each other solve personal problems and win friends and self-esteem,” she said.

This isn’t Bowden’s first time writing a children’s book.

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She also writes a children’s book series centered around the “grandfatherly” skeleton Mr. Bramble Bones. She said she began the series when her daughter was young because she was afraid of Halloween skeletons.

Her second newest book, “Pat and Little Pat: A Slightly Unconventional Cookbook from a Dad and Daughter” was inspired by her father Bradley Patrick.

Bowden said he enjoyed cooking and that this “unconventional cookbook brings you a variety of ‘recipes and remedies’ in his own special way.”

Bowden is a retired English and science teacher. She met friends from Brown County while attending college at Ball State University who brought her to here in 1970. She eventually moved here where she got married and raised her daughter.

Bowden said she is not done writing yet. She said she has several books outlined and “waiting in the wings.”

“Enough to keep me busy for a few more years and out of trouble,” she said.

Q: What inspired you to write the books?

A: (Pat and Little Pat: A Slightly Unconventional Cookbook from a Dad and Daughter): My dad had always been a story teller, writer and artist as well as the main cook in our family. He had wanted to write a book, but never had the time to write more than short stories or magazine articles. In 1988, he presented me with a copy of his cookbook, entitled simply “Cook Book” by Brad…He was in great pain during this time from an injury received while serving his country in World War II. He died of cancer on Oct. 14, 1995 just one week after my birthday. It was because of him that I learned both how to cook and how to write. In remembrance of him, I have taken that cookbook of which he was so proud and published it. He was called Pat and I, Little Pat. I have added my recipes and many family home remedies with some folksy comments to make a slightly different type of cookbook.

(Horus the Misunderstood Buzzard): I was a bit of a nerd in school and very tall. I know what it’s like to be called names and made fun of, but I also know it is very possible to rise above that treatment and gain self-esteem. I decided to write a series of children’s books with that theme in mind.

Q: Have you written any other books?

A: “Mr. Bramble Bones: Too Cold to Play,” “Mr. Bramble Bones and Grimmy Share a Home,” “Mr. Bramble Bones and Grimmy Clean Up,” Mr. Bramble Bones and Grimmy: The Mystery of the Missing Blue Blanket,” “The Sack Lunch,” “Felicia Tales: The Many Misadventures of Felicia Brown,” “Dandelions and Other Weeds,” “Daylilies and Nightshades,” “Kudzu: Beyond Control” under the name Rosemary Coven, “Little Lestoil Ladies: The Cream of Premium Dolls and How to Identify Them.” Soon to be out is “Mr. Bramble Bones and Grimmy in A Christmas to Remember.”

Q: What’s my writing ritual? In what environment do I work best?

A: I don’t have any set ritual, but I seem to begin writing around 3 p.m. Sometimes I work long into the night and sometimes I work only a few hours…When I work, I prefer to be alone either in my office or out on my deck. I like the sound of silence or nature. An occasional cat, or three, beside me is great too as they and all nature provide me with inspiration.

Q: Where can people buy the books, and for how much?

A: Many can be found on or directly from me by emailing [email protected]. Amazon prices are as follows: “Little Lestoil Ladies” for $34.99 in paperback. All of the Bramble Bones books cost $12.95. “The Sack Lunch” is $9.95 for paperback and $3.99 for Kindle. “Dandelions and Other Weeds” is $14.95 for paperback and $3.99 for Kindle. “Kudzu” is $15.99 for paperback and $4.99 for Kindle. “Pat and Little Pat” cookbook in paperback is $14.95. “Daylilies” and “Felicia Tales” are available through me for $14.95. “Horus” is $12.99 for paperback.