Band Q&A: The Acre Brothers

Nashville band The Acre Brothers released their first full-length album in September that is available online and in local music stores.

The album, “Brothers and Sisters,” features guest musicians Cari Ray and Opal Fly. The band decided to name the album “Brothers and Sisters” because of many people came together “to help this album get off the ground,” a press release from the band states.

“Opal Fly is amazing. So is Cari Ray. Everybody delivered. This was truly a community effort and we wanted to acknowledge that,” said songwriter, singer and co-producer Nathan Dillon.

“We wanted to feature three aspects on this record: Slide guitar in various forms, the interplay between my guitar and Chuck Wills’ guitar, which feels like ESP and our drummer Kristin Olson. Whatever questions came up during the rehearsals and recording, we tried to answer them using those three sonic aspects,” he continued.

Two weeks after its release “Brothers and Sisters” broke the top ten most played albums on WFHB in Bloomington and was featured on “Soul Kitchen with Brother William” on WFIU multiple times, the release states.

“We can’t thank our community enough for the support. It shows” guitarist Chuck Wills said.

The Acre Brothers will have a song in “Miss White Light,” an upcoming Pigasus Pictures film. The band also plans to play more festivals and tour in the Midwest in 2019.

The band also plays almost monthly at the Brown County Inn.

The Brown County Democrat reached out to Dillon to answer more questions about their new album.

Q: It’s been a minute since we have caught up. How have things been going with The Acre Brothers? Do you have new members?

A: The Acre Brothers are going strong. We still perform regularly at the Brown County Inn and will start playing more in the region in 2019. We have a great group of folks playing with us these days: Mardi Raun is one of the founding members. He’s still on bass. Chuck Wills has been playing guitar with us for two years. Dan Deckard plays drums and Joe Donnelly — not the former senator — plays baritone sax and keyboards.

Q: How did the new members end up joining the band?

A: Chuck and I met when I went on the Brown County Hour on WFHB a few years ago. I’ve always wanted a sax and keys player. I met Joe through multiple music and education friends we have in common. Dan subbed on drums once about a year ago and it felt like he had been playing with us forever. Additionally, Joe and Dan have played together in other groups for years and years.

Q: How long has the band been together now? How would you describe the band’s growth in recent years?

A: The band has been together for a bit over seven years now. I feel like we have learned how to put on a really dynamic show. We have learned more about how to bring what we love to the front and share it with people. I’ve gotten more comfortable singing and I keep writing new songs, so that keeps us changing, too.

Q: What was it like working with other artists, like Cari Ray and Opal Fly, on this album? Do you foresee other collaborations in the future?

A: We named the record “Brothers and Sisters” because of all the help from everybody. I wanted to try to better represent all the great folks who helped out on this and including more than just “brothers” felt like a good start. Cari and Opal are the real deal. They were amazing and it was a joy to work with them. I would work with them any time and hope to again. Go see them live!

Q: What are some inspirations for the band?

A: Los Lobos, Roy Buchanan, the great slide guitar players and Little Feat. I also try to listen to something new almost every day to keep things moving. You can never ever run out of good music to discover.

Q: Is there a particular song that sticks out when thinking back over this album? If so, why?

A: “Stumbling in Love.” It’s the first song on the album. It is a love song for my wife, Erin Cole. I surprised her with it when we finished the record. It stands out for many reasons besides that. Everybody contributed something special to the recording and it also turned out like I heard it in my head. People respond to that song every time we play it. I think people can feel the love in that song. It’s the best song I’ve ever written and it’s for my sweetheart!

Q: Where is this CD available for purchase?

A: You can get it on our website, on all streaming services and at local music stores including Landlocked Music in Bloomington and Weed Patch Music Company in Nashville.

Q: What keeps you all rocking together? Are there plans for more releases?

A: I keep writing tunes, booking gigs and scheduling recording dates. Yes, there will be more releases. I really hope to also start working with more folks here in Brown County and Bloomington. I would like to be co-writing and producing more.