Letter: Lawyer compliments retiring local judge


To the editor:

Judge Judith Stewart is retiring at the end of this year from the Brown Circuit Court.

Please allow me, as an attorney with over 25 years experience in Monroe and surrounding counties, to state the following, as succinctly as possible, and without reservation: Judge Stewart is the finest judge I have ever practiced in front of.

Roy Graham, attorney

Send letters to [email protected] by noon Thursday before the date of intended publication (noon Wednesday on holiday weeks). Letters are the opinions of the writer. Letters must be signed by the author and include the writer’s town of residence and a contact number in case of questions. Only one letter every two weeks, per writer, to allow for diversity of voices in the opinions section. Please be considerate of sharing space with other letter-writers and keep your comments concise and to the point. Avoid name-calling, accusations of criminal activity and second- and third-hand statements of “fact.”

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