Local student represents region in D.C.

Brown County High School senior Lexie Weddle was picked to attend a national student leadership event in Washington, D.C. this fall.

Weddle is a student in the Jobs for America’s Graduates class at the high school taught by Roscoe Baugh. JAG is a state and national program that the majority of high schools in Indiana have now, Baugh said.

Juniors and seniors are eligible to take the class. Part of the class involves leadership and learning through diverse experiences, Baugh said.

JAG hosts the National Student Leadership Academy every year in D.C. This year’s event was Nov. 15-18.

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Indiana’s JAG region eight has seven schools in it and each school was able to pick a student to attend the event.

Students had to have leadership qualities and “initiative in wanting to take advantage of every learning opportunity they could get,” Baugh said.

“Lexie was chosen because of these qualities and because she is the kind of student that will take every learning experience she has and bring it back to our school and community to use for positive change,” he said.

During her time in Washington, D.C., Weddle said she also visited monuments and museums.

“I learned how to speak publicly, manage large groups of people properly, and I also learned how to work with diverse groups of people,” Weddle said. “Overall, this was an amazing experience and I’m glad I was offered the opportunity.”