Fine print: Jail bookings Dec. 31-Jan. 6

(All persons are presumed innocent of these preliminary charges pending court action. The arresting officer’s name appears in parenthesis.)

Dec. 31

1:22 a.m. Emmett Smith, 23, Nashville, probation violation,. Released at 4:15 p.m. Jan. 2, posted $2,500 bond. (Yentz)

11:36 p.m. Benjamin Harlow, 41, Morgantown, possession of marijuana. Released at 6:25 p.m. Jan. 1, posted $1,000 bond. (Magner)

Jan. 1

2:17 a.m. Richard Metsch, 54, Nineveh, intimidation; domestic battery; habitual traffic offender. Released at 5:30 p.m. Jan. 2, posted $9,000 bond. (Hatchett)

Jan. 3

1:42 a.m. Lynnett Larabee, 37, Jennings County, auto theft. (Hatchett)

9:45 a.m. Jacob Ruckman, 37, Morgantown, probation violation warrant. (Magner)

Jan. 4

1:56 a.m. Alisha Gredy, 43, Nashville, operating a vehicle while intoxicated. Released at 11:10 a.m. Jan. 4, posted $500 bond. (Pool)

10:21 a.m. Jeremy Cox, 38, Shelbyville, other district warrant. (Williams)

12:07 p.m. Ardis Griffin, 38, Nashville, serving time. (Lee)

12:30 p.m. Andrew Jasper, 31, Nashville, probation violation warrant. Released at 1:41 p.m. Jan. 4, posted $2,500 bond. (Robbins Jr.)

3:10 p.m. Abigail Rankin, 35, Morgantown, warrant. Released at 4:11 p.m. Jan. 4, posted $2,500 bond. (Horn)

Jan. 5

5 p.m. James Childs, 65, Bloomington, parole violation warrant; receiving stolen auto parts. (Bowling)

Jan. 6

1:55 p.m. Cary Burch, 43, Indiana, court hearing. (Robbins Jr.)

11:30 p.m. Cassandra Croley, 33, Indianapolis, unlawful possession of legend drug; theft; possession of marijuana; possession of methamphetamine; failure to appear warrant. (Green)