Letter: President needs to take responsibility for shutdown

To the editor:

It couldn’t be more clear that our president deserves all of the negative publicity he is getting. He brings it on himself and then whines about it. He is the single person at the top, where the buck stops. He is responsible for our current government shutdown. He alone is the one who decided to put 800,000 people out of work.

Mitch McConnell will not even let the Senate vote on any of the several bills that Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic majority in the house have passed on to them that would put the people who guarantee public safety back to work.

McConnell will not put a bill up for a vote if Trump doesn’t approve of it first. It is highly probable that a couple of these bills would be veto proof and McConnell knows it. We must remember that Mitch’s wife, Elaine Chou, is Trump’s secretary of transportation. Both he and his wife are independently wealthy, and like Trump, enjoy Russian money for their lifestyle. Trump owns McConnell.

When Trump says “the buck stops with everybody,” it’s because he doesn’t have the spine to accept the responsibility of his office. This is the most corrupt administration we have had in our history and it is the result of the control that corporate money has over our political system.

For a start, we must turn over the Citizens United decision that gave corporations the rights of real natural persons.

Harry Hopkins, Axsom Branch Road

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