Letter: Another opinion on local coach’s blackface situation

To the editor:

How sad we have come to this.

Well, I read two letters to the editor in last week’s paper, each on opposite sides. So let’s think about this for a moment. First off, there is not one person that is reading this letter right now who has not done something through their lifetime that they were not sorry or ashamed of that they did. Has it made you a bad person, or just someone who made a mistake?

Should that mistake ruin your life forever? Sure, there are crimes that are unthinkable, but those are crimes, not human mistakes.

Then, think about the time that you did that indiscretion. Was it because of peer pressure, or just a dumb thought you had and knew it was wrong and you did it anyway?

I have only been in Brown County for 32 years and what I have found out about some of the old and new families would curl your hair. But it is not for me to judge (that’s God’s job), unless all these do-gooders who think they have nothing but pious thoughts can take over His job.

A small group of folks who don’t like something had a good part of our history taken from us: Statues in the south, pledge to the flag, Star Spangled Banner, God from as many places as they can, burn our flag (then want the USA to give them everything for free) and so many more, and I am sure there will be more unless we say “no.”

The big thing now seems to be blackface. Do any of you remember Al Jolson with the follies? Sure, times change, but then to say Mary Poppins is a racist because she had soot on her face. So, be careful of what you wear for any costume party or Halloween. Or animal crackers because they’re in cages on the boxes. Well, they are in cages in the zoo, or should we let them out? Or Tony the Tiger needs pants. Get real.

The truth be known, everyone in politics should step down, because they have all gone astray in one way or another. That includes every branch of government. And the government wants to take over more of our lives — well, whoa be tide us if that happens.

What the superintendent did was, yes, because of pressure, and instead of accepting an apology and moving on, it had to be made a big deal for the coach. In the other letter, Amy was right on.

No response necessary because I am sure there is no one out there that is perfect, only Jesus.

Phyllis Riskey, Brown County

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