Fine print: Jail bookings Feb. 12-17

(All persons are presumed innocent of these preliminary charges pending court action. The arresting officer’s name appears in parenthesis.)

Feb. 12

4:20 a.m. Emmett Smith, 23, Nashville, failure to appear warrant. (Schonfeld)

3:15 p.m. Amy Gerholt, 40, Morgantown, probation violation warrant. Released at 3:57 p.m. Feb. 12, posted $2,500 bond. (Williams)

5:09 p.m. Zachary Humphrey, 25, Sheridan, court hearing. Released at 9:15 a.m. Feb. 13, returned to District 73. (Dewees)

Feb. 13

12:45 a.m. Kevin Corns, 33, Linton, two warrants; body attachment; escrow. (Temple)

Feb. 14

7:19 p.m. Haley Platter, 24, Nashville, probation violation warrant. (White)

Feb. 15

6:45 p.m. James Law, 41, Morgantown, serving time. (Lee)

9:13 p.m. Brad Cooper, 33, Trafalgar, failure to appear warrant. Released at 9:43 p.m. Feb. 15, posted $1,500 bond. (Sheppard)

Feb. 17

12:37 a.m. Jennifer Clephane, 44, Trafalgar, battery with bodily injury; resisting law enforcement; disorderly conduct. (Schonfeld)

2:01 a.m. Ora Allison, 53, Nashville, two failure to appear warrants; other district warrant. (Hatchett)

11:31 p.m. Joseph Lawson, 46, Nashville, auto theft. (Hatchett)