Letter: Indiana needs to abolish daylight saving time


To the editor:

On March 4, the European Union voted to abolish the twice-yearly clock change — i.e. no more daylight saving time. Similar discussions are occurring in Utah, Michigan, Florida, New England, etc. — but not in Indiana, where, once again, our leaders have disallowed the discussion of our time zone situation. They simply ignored SB 542 until the time for talk ran out.

This means that students will continue to travel at risk in morning darkness. Because of our incompatible sunlight schedule, teens will continue to struggle scholastically, and their ranking of second-highest suicide attempt rate in the United States will continue. Hoosiers will continue to be among the most tired and obese in the U.S. Evening events in summer will continue to be diminished because of lack of darkness — July 4 fireworks, outdoor concerts, evening dining out, stargazing, youth and family camping, etc. And while electronic technology has negated advantages for Indiana’s businesses of being on the same time as New York, the three-hour time difference with California will continue to be a communication and travel handicap for Hoosier businesses and its citizens.

The purpose of government as stated in Indiana’s constitution is to provide “peace, safety, and well-being” for Indiana’s citizens. Legislators, you took an oath to uphold our constitution, but you are not doing your job when it comes to our time zone issue. It’s time for you to either step up or step out. Hoosiers deserve better government than we are getting.

Susannah H. Dillon, Carmel, president, Central Time Coalition, HoosiersForCentralTime.com

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