Letter: Resident still waiting for trees, five years later


To the editor:

The county commissioners and county highway department can hold their heads high. They were able to make a fool of a middle-aged grandma who naively entered into a good-faith agreement with both entities with handshakes.

Five years ago, the highway department accidentally mowed over 25 trees. My husband and I planted the 25 trees for privacy and as a sound barrier from the road. Fifteen were pine and came dear. I have always only been concerned about the pine trees.

Following an impassioned speech in front of the commissioners, John Kennard and Joe Wray came to our property together the very next Saturday (which I think constitutes a quorum) and asked if I would be OK with replacement trees. Wanting to be amenable and reasonable, I agreed. Later, Mike Magner came out and he and my husband (who fought in Desert Storm) shook hands on the same deal: Replacement of the 15 pine trees.

Throughout the last five years, I have been patient and called and emailed on the progress of getting the trees and when I could expect them. I never received a call back. All I have gotten is they are on order. To be frank, after five years, it sounds a bit like “the check is in the mail.”

Frustrated, I reached out to the commissioners. Mr. Anderson has tried, but I suspect respect is lacking on one end.

I priced trees, hoping they would cut me a check instead of waiting another five years for “trees have been ordered.” For $375, I can order my pine trees from a reputable nursery, plant them this spring and be out of these people’s lives. I’m out of patience and good will. However, these people hold all the cards. The passive aggressive nature toward one of its citizens proves I was, indeed, naïve and foolish.

Handshakes and good-faith agreements mean nothing in this county.

You can tell a lot about a person’s character by the way they take responsibility for a mistake. Between the commissioners and Mr. Magner, I was beaten over the head with their lack of character.

Barbara Nix, McGee Road

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