Teen passenger injured in Hornettown Road crash

FRUITDALE — A 15-year-old Brown County boy was injured in a crash on Hornettown Road over the weekend.

Chandler Popplewell, 18, of Columbus, was driving in the 100 block around 5:15 p.m. May 5 when he told he police he lost control of his vehicle in a curve, according to an accident report by Brown County Sheriff’s Deputy Michael Horn.

Popplewell said he went off the road, then struck a mailbox and yard decorations at one home. A witness reported seeing the vehicle driving at an “excessive speed” and lose control on the curve in front of his home, the report states.

Popplewell’s 15-year-old passenger was taken to Johnson Memorial Hospital by ambulance for treatment of a back injury.

Both were wearing seat belts. The vehicle was not towed.