PHOTOS: Remembering our heroes

The team and the veterans pose for a photo: bottom row: Roan Brahaum, Deegan Lemons, Gotti Watkins, Braylon Zavela; middle row: Garrett Mercer, Timber Morgan, Kareem Taiwo, Braydon Nichols, Aiden Johnson; back row: Buddy Mercer, Ty Watkins, Dave Pate and Brandon Zavela.

A local Little League team went out of its way to recognize veterans for Memorial Day.

On May 13, the Cardinals met Brown County veterans at Memorial Park Cemetery. The Brown County Cemetery Preservation Society reported: “Team Coaches Ty Watkins and Brandon Zavela set up a volunteer day to help the boys broaden their understanding and respect for our cemeteries. While several of the children helped reset a veteran’s grave marker, the other boys placed flags on the veterans’ graves. Veterans Buddy Mercer and Dave Pate were on hand to instruct and guide the boys with their tasks.”

“I couldn’t be anymore proud of these kids,” Watkins added in a post on the society’s Facebook page. “As a coach, on the field and off the field, I couldn’t be any more proud of this group of young men for their willingness to take part in the opportunity that was given to us. They have hearts the size of giants.”