Letter: Tips to avoid bug bites, stings this summer


To the editor:

Here’s some timely tips for summer bites and stings. Most of the tips are from the Indiana Poison Center, which can be reached at 1-800-222-1222.

Avoiding bites and stings:

Pour drinks from cans into cups so you can see if there are any insects in the can

Always wear shoes outside

Don’t wear perfume or use shampoo that is flowery smelling or fruity, insects are drawn to these odors.

If you are stung:

Wash the skin that has the bite

Use ice packs on the bite for 20 minutes then take off and rewarm the skin before putting the ice pack back on. It is best not to have it contact skin directly, so wrap it in a damp light towel or rag before applying to the bite.

Elevate the stung body part

If the person is not allergic, use Benadryl or ibuprofen to help pain and itching

If a person is having trouble breathing it could be an anaphylactic reaction, call 911 immediately. Also call 911 if:

The bitten or stung person gets a rash or itching on most of their body

Feels dizzy

Feels sick or nauseous

Has chest pain

If you use repellent, wash off your skin and change clothes as soon as you come inside. Wear long sleeve shirts and long pants sprayed with repellent when you go outside. Try to stay inside after dusk when mosquitoes feed.

Jennifer Heller, Brown County Health Department

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