Letter: Why is America accumulating so much debt now?


To the editor:

Today our federal government’s debt is $22 trillion and is expected to add another $1 trillion per year for the next three years. This is unsustainable and it places a terrible burden on future generations. Here is some history of debt in our country:

In 1980, the total debt of the U.S. was $880 billion (less than $1 trillion). From the period of 1900 to 1980, our country contended with two World Wars, the Great Depression of 1929 and the Vietnam War. Despite their tremendous expenses, our past governing people let us enter 1980 with practically no debt.

Why did this happen? I think the main cause was that the country lost its moral compass. Putting the country first was lost, and people’s self-interest became their guide. There are other causes, but the fact is this is where we are today.

Currently, we have a major challenge from China. It will not be an easy task. I hope we still have the ability to rise to the occasion.

Larry Shade, Columbus

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