Letter: Barn Sale successful because of visitors, helpers


To the editor:

This letter is to express my appreciation for all of the amazing volunteers, donors and patrons that supported this year’s Barn Sale at the Brown County Humane Society.

It took a village to make this sale one of the biggest we have ever had. It all started with a group of volunteers who agreed to serve on our Barn Sale team. This team spent an enormous amount of time and effort to get this fundraising event off the ground and running. Our team was supported by a large number of volunteers who gave us everything they had. Thank you so much for your dedication and passion for this fundraising event!

Second, we couldn’t have had our sale without our donors, who brought us a variety of wonderful treasures that made this sale like no other. They load up their cars, trucks and even trailers to bring us the merchandise that we sold. Without these treasures, we could not have the success that we had this year.

Third, our shoppers were amazing this year! Many of them came back day after day to see what they might have missed the previous day.

Without each and every one of you, this event would not have been as successful as it was this year. It warms my heart to see all the goodness in our community. Thank you all for your support.

We hope to see each of you next year!

Sue Ann Werling, president, Brown County Humane Society

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